The QDU Executive

Executive Meetings

The executive of the Queen’s Debating Union meets regularly once a week prior to Thursday meetings via zoom. All executive meetings are open for member observation. Guests at executive meetings must pay in mind the following rules:

– If you would like to present an issue to the executive for discussion, you must submit an email to well in advance of the meeting so we may set the agenda accordingly

– Visiting members will be given the opportunity to express any concerns or questions they may have at the end of the meeting, if time permits

– Visiting members may not participate in executive discussions unless they have requested to present on an issue in advance of the meeting, or are doing so during the designated roundtable period at the end of the meeting, as outlined above

– The executive reserves the right to ask that visitors leave the room should sensitive or confidential material need to be discussed

All meeting minutes will be available online within the following week, and a link will be distributed in the next Weekly Update. You may read minutes here.


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2023-2024 Executive Roles and Responsibilities

Voting Members

The club’s President is Lily McKay. She is ultimately responsible for the executive and the club as a whole. She represents the QDU to the broader Queen’s and debating communities – curating the events and type of culture that the club has.

The Critic is Annika Frankiss. She acts as vice-presidents, keeping a check on the President and the rest of the executive. She is also responsible for training the team and for administering the QDU’s High School Outreach program.

The club’s Treasurer is Raymond Qiu. He is responsible for collecting membership dues, paying for all club expenses and coordinating sponsorships.

Our Secretaries are Julia Van Damme & Claire Chen . They lead communication efforts with our members, taking meeting minutes and writing the Weekly Update. They also manage the club’s email account, and assist the President with representing the club to the broader Queen’s community. They are responsible for maintaining the QDU website, Instagram page, Facebook page, and all other social media platforms.

The club’s Logistics Officers are Sophie Ng & Balraj Toor. They are responsible for helping organize practical aspects of attending tournaments such as billeting and transportation.

Non-Voting Members 

Our National High School Debating Championship Tournament Directors are Raymond Qiu and Annika Frankiss. They will serve as the main point of contact between our club and representatives from interested secondary schools.

The Sergent is James Larkin.  He is responsible for preserving and protecting the Union. He is  also responsible for keeping the President safe from harm, and caring for the club’s traditions by maintaining archives and records and acting as the Guardian of the Mace.

The club’s  Outreach Director is Tristan Jones and Abhay Katoch. She is responsible for building relationships with other clubs on campus and the broader Kingston community. She is in-charge of creating one outreach event per semester and working with other executive members to recruit and retain members.

The Socials Director is Olivia Tucker. This role is responsible for curating a fun and safe social environment. They plan a variety of socials throughout the year, including those for tournaments and Queen’s members.

The Novice Representative is Yet to be decided for 2024-2025! Join our club and try to get elected this year! They will advocate on behalf of novice members before the Executive and will be required to attend all executive meetings.

Our Equity Officers are Thea Day  and Rojella Santos. The Equity Officers operate independently from the club executive, and are responsible for ensuring that our club environment is friendly, inclusive, accessible and non-discriminatory. They or an acting Equity Officer will be present at all club events. Please do not hesitate to approach either of them in person, or confidentially by email at to discuss any issue you may be having with the club or its executive. All equity complaints are confidential. A copy of the Queen’s Debating Union Equity Policy may be found here.

Want to contact the executive? Visit the Contact Us page!